Yoink Meaning



YOINK | English meaning

Meaning of yoink in English to take something quickly, usually without permission : The dog just yoinked a sausage from under my nose!

YOINK | définition en anglais

YOINK définition, signification, ce qu'est YOINK: 1. to take something quickly, usually without permission: 2. an expression used by some people…

What does yoink mean ? Definition

Yoink means to take something with stealth, speed, and finesse. It can also be a slang term for an ordinary person with nothing to recommend them.


Interjection. yoink. (colloquial) Used for emphasis or to express that one is impressed.

Yeet, Yoink, and the Evolution of Everyday Meme Language

I think most native English speakers are familiar with the term “yoink.” For those unfamiliar, however, yoink roughly means to snatch or steal ...


Yoink is used when a person is taking something from someone. One of my friends just the other day said yeah I yoinked his cd which meant that he took it.

YOINK definition and meaning

5 天前 · 2 meanings: 1. to take something quickly, esp without permission 2. an exclamation indicating that something has been taken.

YOINK Definition & Meaning

verb (used with object) to grab, pull, or take, especially abruptly or vigorously: He yoinked his sweater off the hanger and threw it on.

How do you use “yoink” in colloquial speech?

It means to grab or take quickly or unexpectedly. So you can use it in informal conversation for any situation that fits that definition.

